Product News

Tecloman’s C&I PV + Battery Energy Storage System: Empowering Self-Use and Direct Grid Connection

Tecloman introduces the C&I PV + Battery Energy Storage System, a game-changing solution that integrates solar PV and battery storage technologies. This advanced system enhances the ratio of “self-use first” of PV energy, reduces PV curtailment, and enables direct PV grid-connection.

Maximizing Self-Use of Solar PV Energy

Tecloman‘s C&I PV + Battery Energy Storage System excels in maximizing the self-use of solar PV energy. By intelligently managing the flow of energy, the system prioritizes self-consumption of PV-generated electricity. Excess energy is efficiently stored in the battery storage system for later use, reducing reliance on the grid during peak demand periods. This approach not only minimizes energy waste and reduces PV curtailment but also helps businesses optimize their energy costs by utilizing clean, renewable energy sources. Tecloman’s commitment to integrated solar PV and battery storage technologies empowers businesses with a sustainable and self-reliant energy solution.

Achieving Direct PV Grid-Connection

Tecloman’s C&I PV + Battery Energy Storage System enables businesses to achieve direct PV grid-connection. With seamless integration, the system allows for the direct feeding of excess PV energy into the grid, promoting grid stability and maximizing energy utilization. This direct connection eliminates the need for PV curtailment, ensuring that businesses can fully leverage their solar PV capacity without wasting valuable renewable energy. Tecloman’s innovative solution unlocks the potential of commercial battery storage systems, providing businesses with a reliable and efficient means of connecting their PV systems to the grid.


Tecloman’s C&I PV + Battery Energy Storage System revolutionizes commercial battery storage systems by integrating solar PV and battery storage technologies. By maximizing the self-use of solar PV energy and achieving direct PV grid-connection, businesses can optimize their energy consumption, reduce PV curtailment, and embrace sustainable practices.

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